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Black Diamond Shoreline Master Program Periodic Review 2019


Community Development

24301 Roberts Drive
PO Box 599
Black Diamond, WA 98010
(360) 851-4500 

Barbara Kincaid, Community Development Director -

Hours - Monday - Friday
8:30am to 5:00pm  

*Please click here for upcoming Planning Meeting dates*


The City of Black Diamond is undertaking a periodic review of its Shoreline Master Program (SMP). The Shoreline Management Act (SMA) requires each SMP be reviewed and revised, if needed, on an eight-year schedule established by the Legislature, see WAC 173-26-090. The review ensures the SMP stays current with changes in laws and rules, remains consistent with other Black Diamond plans and regulations, and is responsive to changed circumstances, new information and improved data.

Shoreline Master Programs are both planning and regulatory documents. SMPs carry out the policies of the Shoreline Management Act on local shorelines. An SMP consists of a comprehensive use plan, use regulations, maps, diagrams or other descriptive material, statement of desired goals and standards for shorelines of the state [RCW 90.58.030(3)(b)]. SMPs are based on state laws and rules and tailored to local geographic and environmental conditions and existing development patterns.

The Shoreline Management Act (SMA), RCW 90.58, provides a statewide framework for managing, accessing and protecting shorelines. Now more than 40 years old, the SMA reflects the strong interest of the public in our shorelines and waterways for recreation, protection of natural areas, aesthetics, and commerce.

The SMA applies to all major water bodies and their adjacent shorelands throughout the State. With the City of Black Diamond, the SMP applies to land within 200' of Lake Sawyer.


Local governments must review amendments to the SMA and Ecology rules that have occurred since the master program was last amended, and determine if local amendments are needed to maintain compliance.

The current Black Diamond SMP was adopted in 2014, and amendments may be necessary to conform with new state laws, rules, or guidance since that date. The Department of Ecology publishes a checklist of state laws, rules, or other applicable documents by year. The City will review its SMP and determine if gaps exist between its regulations and newly adopted laws or guidance. Many items on the checklist may require no action, while others may require amendments. A copy of the checklist will be provided to the public when completed. The periodic review is due on or before June 30, 2019.

It should be noted that this period update is limited in scope. No new science is being funded, shoreline environments or shoreline maps will not change, and the update is primarily concerned with establishing compliance with the Ecology Guidelines.


As part of the City’s 2019 SMP Periodic Review the City has prepared a public participation plan which describes how the public will be informed about and involved in decision making for the SMP update.

Public Participation is encouraged, and in fact is a requirement of the Shoreline Management Act. The Department of Ecology requires dissemination of informative materials, proposals and alternatives, opportunities for written comments, public meetings after effective notice, provisions for open discussion, and consideration of and responses to public comments. Comments will be accepted throughout the project, until the SMP is formally adopted.

The City also acknowledges that a variety of stakeholders have particular interests in the City’s SMP, such as:

  • Shoreline users
  • Owners of property within the shoreline jurisdiction
  • Business organizations, environmental groups, and other non-governmental organizations
  • Native American Tribes
  • Government Agencies

The City has scheduled two opportunities for the public to engage with City staff and their consultants working on the project.

  • Open House #1: A community open house is scheduled for Wednesday, February 20, 2019 from 5 pm - 6:30 pm at the Lake Sawyer Community Club (29006 216th Ave SE, Black Diamond, WA 98010).  Interested parties are encouraged to attend. City staff and their consultants will provide an introduction to the SMP Periodic Review process, answer questions, and accept public comments. No SMP amendments will be drafted at this point.

  • Open House #2: A second community open house is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26, 2019 from 6 pm - 7:30 pm at the Council Chambers (25510 Lawson Street, Black Diamond, WA 98010). Interested parties are encouraged to attend. City staff and their consultants will have draft SMP amendment language available for review.

For full details on ways the City plans to engage with the public on the 2019 SMP Periodic Review, view the City’s 2019 SMP Periodic Review Public Participation Plan by clicking here.

Prior to adoption, the amended SMP will go to Planning Commission and City Council for Public Hearings. These hearings are planned for spring of 2019 and information will be posted on this webpage when available.

Planning Commission Public Hearing:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on May 7, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. a Planning Commission public hearing will be held in association with the City's 2019 Shoreline Master Program (SMP) Periodic Review Amendments. It will be held at the City of Black Diamond Council Chambers at 25510 Lawson Street. The purpose of the hearing is to hear public testimony on the above listed subject. Written testimony may be submitted to the Community Development Department c/o Barb Kincaid at 24301 Roberts Dirve, Black Diamond, WA 98010 or no later that 5 p.m. May 7, 2019. Documents related to the project are available for public review during normal business hours at the Commnity Development Department at the address noted above, or by clicking here. Posted 04/15/19 (NEW)


Project documents will be uploaded here as they are prepared.







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