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In the year 2010, Black Diamond will be a beautiful, friendly community based on a rich historic heritage and exceptional natural setting, and with a small-town atmosphere.  Forested areas and open space remain, while development maintains a healthy balance of moderate growth and economic viability.

The economic base will be a mix of retail, industrial/business park, office, tourist, and local cottage industries.  Residential development will be a mix of types, sizes and densities, clustered to preserve maximum open space and to access a system of trails/bikeways/greenbelts which connect housing, shopping, employment and recreation areas with nearby regional parks and recreational facilities.

Citizens actively participate in an effective and open government decision-making process that reflects community values.  There will be good cooperation among nearby jurisdictions, and adequate public services and environmental protection to provide a safe and healthy quality of life for all citizens, from children to seniors.

The term “Rural by Design” has been used frequently in newspaper articles and public meetings when discussing coming development in Black Diamond.  Some time ago our City adopted a guide to development that will take place in the near future.  These are the key elements of Rural by Design as envisioned by our citizens:

"Rural by Design"

  • Provide for a mix of uses (Residential, Community Retail, Commercial, Business Park, Mixed Uses, Civic/Schools)
  • Compact Form (Use of tools such as clustering)
  • Opportunities for Casual Socializing  (Neighborhood design, House design, Commercial areas, Parks)
  • Accessible Civic Spaces (Parks, City Facilities, Trails, Community Center, Schools)
  • Sense of Community (Respect for local history, design)

Additional Key Elements Guiding the City

  • Preservation and enhancements of Physical characteristics
  • Protection of surface and groundwater (for fish and people)
  • Conservation of water and other resources
  • Preservation and enhancement of open spaces and views of Mt. Rainier
  • Provision of employment uses
  • Improvement of the City’s fiscal performance
  • Timely provision of necessary facilities and infrastructure
  • Development of a coordinated system of pedestrian oriented facilities including trails and bicycle paths
  • “Growth should pay for growth” – Existing citizens should not bear the burden of developers



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